275 Days Left

via Daily Prompt: Crescendo 


Some call it the leaving cert, some call it the a-levels and I think it’s the equivalent of SATs. It takes over your life. The time that we should be outside playing, running and laughing is taken up inside watching the world through a window. Brief glimpses of the world are caught in study breaks.

I am currently in my third day of this hell year. One might say that I should be ready and full of life, I have been on summer break for three months, but it doesn’t make it any easier. Life goes in a day from revolving around seeing your freinds and enjoying yourself to each minute from 8:30 until 6 being on a timetable.

I think the worst part of the school is the work outside the timetable. The constant pressure that society puts you under to be working 24-7. It’s something that according to my teachers must be on my mind at all times. My sport, my friends are just distractions to this exam. This exam that determines what I do in college, what I do for the rest of my life.

I don’t appreciate the people that say stuff to you like “the leaving cert doesn’t matter at all” not because i doubt their sincerity but because it is always followed with tips on studying or the story of how they did so well. The worst comment has to be “everything will work out in the end”. It has to be the worst thing you could ever say to a panicking student who has been drilled to rely on getting in to college to succeed in life. To this student all they hear is “good luck”.

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